A downloadable game

Not recommended for young eyes. Violence involved...

Every weapon has been aligned for the best possible alignment without the need for a crosshair because the guns all have sprites that match their ADS sprites.   I went for a FMV style where some pictures where taken via cellphone...  

Start your journey into the subterranean occult of The Industry,  battle Freedoom monsters in the classic way but in a style not yet experienced with the Phase 2 assets.  Your family has been killed by the monsters of the outbreak from Phase2.wad...  The arts and ads were mostly my going into the internet and searching for old 1900s propaganda flyers and posting them to create fallout flavored creepy vibes the sounds were my stretching random sounds up and down. Using audacity...  I wanted the 1st level to feel like a cinema/grocery mall that was really old built in the early 70s to late 80s...

Also inspired by Spawn , The Punisher Comic from 1990s and Alien...

Use DeltaTouch to play on phone or use the GZDOOM port so that you can enable crouching and jumping.   This game is made to take a minimalist approach to quirky asset replacements.  I made the gun sprites myself using my own mitts and some Firearms I own , the super shotgun sprites were taken from Google and I'm unsure whom to credit.   Others will be credited as I notice and can make mention.   Many assets were googled as I didn't know any better...

I encourage you to all go now and get Freedoom phase 2 so that you can play my game too!  Thanks! 

If you don't like the way I did something,  well then,  I'm not going to change it.   As a matter of fact I am kind of just doing that thing you do when your a kid cutting up newspapers and gluing them together to make little art projects...  that's kind of the goal here just to see what can be accomplished here with only fun and inspired traps designed to be constantly threatening and new kinds of threats being introduced steadily for a difficult gameplay on medium difficulty setting and a training setting on easy settings for practice or newer players.   Not recommended for young eyes.

Updated 16 hours ago
Published 14 days ago
StatusIn development
GenrePuzzle, Action
TagsHorror, Retro, Short, Singleplayer


StolenLives.wad 70 MB

Install instructions

use worth Gzdoom or DeltaTouch , enable Crouching and Jumping.  Play using Freedoom phase2 ( https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Freedoom )and keep the brightness turned on mid Don't use a flashlight mod this mod is designed to work mostly only tested with bolognesegore mod and worked great!  


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Update today

New video shows how to enable crouch and jump then some early gameplay. 

Another video is on the way soon.

I have updated the game.

hi do u want to make a collaboration ??

Hi im sorry but this project is not intended to become a time constraint.   It is really just an outlet for me to build little levels thanks for that though.